The Friends of Upper Darby Trails are pleased to present information on trails in Upper Darby township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, as well as general cycling and walking information. You can show your support for improved bicycling and walking provisions in Upper Darby and Drexel Hill, and stay in touch with news, activities and more, by following us on Facebook at
Trails in Upper Darby and Vicinity |
There are some existing trails, paths and walkable parklands in Upper Darby that you can enjoy, plus others in surrounding municipalities. You can walk along wooded Darby Creek, for example, or enjoy Naylors Run Park. For more details click or tap here. |
Bicycling in Upper Darby |

You can "geek out" like a planner studying the regional Bicycle Low Traffic Stress map at Hints: Click on "Launch Project" to see the map, then click on the left-most icon at the bottom, then select only the "Bicycle Facilities" and "LTS 1&2 Islands" layers. |
Plans and Studies |
Beyond the present facilities for walking and cycling that exist now, various plans and studies are in place to guide or lead to further development. For more details on some of these, click or tap here. |
Upper Darby Underground Railroad Walking Tour |
Upper Darby Township has created a 4.5 mile walking tour route that takes you past a number of historical sites associated with the Underground Railroad in the township. For details
click or tap here. |
The Larger Picture: A Philadelphia Western Suburbs Overview
Click or tap here to find walking and multi-use trails throughout eastern Delaware County and Lower Merion, link to region-wide and county-wide trail and bicycling plans, and learn about the annual Philadelphia Western Suburbs Trail Summit. |